Little Dude Films’ animated teaser/trailer, Red Shadows, has been shortlisted in this year’s Golden Trailer Awards, GTA14, which takes place on Friday 3rd May 2013 at the Saban Theatre, 8440 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, CA 90211.
Red Shadows has been selected in the category Best Trailer – No Movie, which, in the festival’s own words “is for fundraising trailers, where the filmmaker’s intent is to make his or her feature film, and has shot a trailer in order to raise funds for the production of that film.”
The Golden Trailer Awards is a well established and highly competitive festival. Trailers in a range of categories this year include those for films such as Argo, Lincoln, Iron Man 3, Skyfall, The Place Beyond the Pines and The Hobbit.
For more information about GTA14 please click here. For a full list of award categories please click here.
The Red Shadows teaser/trailer was directed by French animators Fursy Teyssier and François-Marc Baillet, written and produced by Ian Beaumont for Little Dude Films and co-produced by Tony Rogers.
You can view it here on our website and on Facebook. If you like the Red Shadows teaser/trailer, please share this video and Like the Facebook page!