Leading French film production company, Les Films d’Ici (Waltz With Bashir, Michael Kohlhaas) has come on board as co-producers of Little Dude Films’ animated short film, Red Shadows, written by Ian Beaumont. The film, which is due to be directed by Fursy Teyssier, tells the true story of a serial killer who was active in Nazi era Berlin, during the Second World War. The teaser/trailer for Red Shadows was shortlisted in the prestigious Golden Trailer Awards in Los Angeles earlier in 2013.
Les Films d’Ici producer, Sébastien Onomo says: “I am very enthusiastic about working with Little Dude Films on this project. Red Shadows is exactly the kind of movie we like to produce at Les Films d’Ici, because it combines drama with a unique history, as shaped by a new, talented director whom we expect to hear a lot more about in the years to come.”
Ian Beaumont of Little Dude Films adds: “Little Dude FIlms is delighted to be working as co-producers with Sébastien Onomo and Les Films d’Ici on Red Shadows and to be working once again with director Fursy Teyssier. Red Shadows is a rare and special project: a dramatic and powerful Second World War era story that hasn’t been told on film before. We look forward to working with our French colleagues and partners in bringing it to the screen.”