Little Dude Films’ animated Second World War drama, Red Shadows, has gone into production. Directed by Fursy Tessier, produced by Ian Beaumont and written by Ian Beaumont and Sophie Decroisette, the film is based upon the true story of Paul Ogorzow, a serial killer on the rampage in Nazi era Berlin. Ian Beaumont says: “Developing Red Shadows has been a labour of love for Fursy Teyssier and myself over several years and we are both very excited to be bringing this powerful story to the screen.” More details about Red Shadows will be added to the Little Dude Films website over the coming weeks.
Little Dude Films is now the films division of Little Dude Media Ltd. Little Dude Media is dedicated to undertaking high quality media, public relations, communications and public affairs activity, including in the corporate and voluntary sectors. For more details, see the About Us page.