Ian Beaumont and Little Dude Films are reuniting with the team that made Portobello Film Festival winner Shades Of Beige and BAFTA-screened Deathless, to make a third short film together called Drift.
Drift is written and directed by Aimee Powell, produced by Rebecca Ioannou and has Luke Bryant as Director of Photography, along with many of the other crew members who made Shades of Beige and Deathless. Ian and Little Dude Films are executive producers on the project.
Aimee Powell has been selected by Directors UK and ARRI for this year’s Challenge ALEXA project and we will be shooting Drift in March 2015 with state of the art ALEXA XT cameras and ARRI’s anamorphic master prime lenses.
Ian says: “It’s a real delight to be working again with Aimee and Luke and also with Rebecca and the rest of the Drift team on this Challenge ALEXA project. I look forward very much to doing so and to seeing this exciting and thought provoking film on the screen.”
Drift is currently in pre-production and its casting is being finalised, so please watch this space for more information.