Little Dude Films and LomasProds are currently in post-production on the pilot episode of Waving at Strangers, the first episode of a proposed six-part TV series. The pilot, which was filmed in November 2020 under strict COVID-19 restrictions during the second lockdown, focusses on three young men who are each in crisis of some form, and on the women in their lives.
Waving at Strangers has been written and directed by Lee Lomas, who also acts in it, and produced by Little Dude Films’ director, Ian Beaumont, with the invaluable support of cinematographer James Butler and a team of over 30 cast and crew.
Once the post-production on the pilot is completed, ideally over the Holiday period, we will be approaching commissioners and commissioning bodies to seek to get the full six part series green-lit for production and broadcast. Please watch this space for further updates.