Little Dude Films’ teaser/trailer for The Lost Blonde has been shortlisted for an award in this year’s prestigious Golden Trailer Awards, in the Best Trailer – No Movie category.
This year’s Awards, known as GTA21, also include nominations for trailers for many leading films, including numerous Oscar winners and nominees.
Here’s a link to the Golden Trailer Awards website, which includes details of this year’s Awards, including a full list of the Awards jury and the nominees: target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”
Please also check out this full page article in The Hollywood Reporter, which gives some background to the Awards, interviews the GTA21 organisers and also includes a full list of nominees:
This is the second time that Little Dude Films have been nominated for a Golden Trailer Award. Goodnight, Berlin! (aka Red Shadows) was nominated in the same category in 2013.
The Golden Trailer Awards are being held in Greenville, Tennessee on 22nd July 2021. We’ll let you know if we win!