The short film Drift has been selected to be screened at the prestigious East End Film Festival in London later this month. Drift is written and directed by Aimee Powell. Ian Beaumont and Little Dude Films are Executive Producers of the film.
The screening of Drift, which will also be the film’s premiere, is on Thursday 30th June, beginning at 9PM. As a hard hitting story about human slavery, Drift has been chosen as one of a series of short films being screened under the heading Phantoms. In the words of the East End Film Festival programme, these films are “creepy tales of supernatural unease [that] sit alongside politicised expressions of the lost, the disposed and those that have fallen through the cracks in our society.”
For more details about the screening and how to buy tickets, please visit and
To see the Drift trailer please click here. To visit the Drift page on the Little Dude Films website and see some background footage and photos from the shoot, please click here.