The Little Dude Films’ directed and co-produced film of the live show of Spectrum: Dance In A New Light is now completed and available to view on Vimeo at The film’s trailer is also available to view on Vimeo at Please also check out our film page.
The film captures the sold out, one off show of Spectrum at Oxford House Theatre, Bethnal Green, London on 8th July 2016. The film was produced by Ian Beaumont and Suma Bhattacharya and was directed by Ian Beaumont of Little Dude Films, with mega thanks to film editor Joe Watkins, director of photography Rupert Hopkins and film crew Rupert Hopkins, Charlie Allen, Stewart Allan and India Maxie.
Mega thanks also to everyone who made the show happen, especially the wonderful dancers; narrator Tom Ziebell; the stage and lighting crew, including stage manager Karima Jai; photographer Kyle Jones; and above all the brilliant Suma Bhattacharya, whose creation Spectrum was.